Overland travel is all about staying in the roughest, most unforgiving environments. Ignoring personal comfort. Shunning the trappings of a tourism. Seeking out discomfort and… no! Wait! Screw it. Today it is all about luxury.
When your brakes fail, it might as well be on a winding mountain pass with sheer drop offs and hairpin bends. Even better if it is a pass that climbs from near to sea level up to almost 3000m, before dropping back down to below 1500m. (That’s pushing 10,000′ before returning to less than 5000′ for those of you who have not gleefully embraced the metric system.)
For better or worse, electronic devices play a big part in our travels. Keeping all our equipment charged and ready to go can be a nightmare. The solution? Mains power in the truck. It was time to go shopping for a power inverter.
When you wake up in your tent, it’s several degrees below reasonable and has been raining all night—The first thing you want is a hot cup of coffee … and bacon and eggs for breakfast. Maybe a pancake or two… by then it’s morning tea time and time for another cuppa. Luckily, the Coleman 2 Burner Dual Fuel Compact Liquid Fuel Stove is exactly what you need for those times when faffing around in the rain isn’t high on your list of priorities.