
This is the one. This is the post where we finally extract ourselves from the seemingly inescapable vortex of Santa María del Tule. Don’t get too excited. We only drove a few kilometres down the road.
This is the one. This is the post where we finally extract ourselves from the seemingly inescapable vortex of Santa María del Tule. Don’t get too excited. We only drove a few kilometres down the road.
Oh no!—We’re approaching the event horizon of Overlander Oasis. It’s too late to escape. Deploy the rooftop tent. Crack a beer and open up the deck chairs. We may be some time.
While we were dilly-dallying about in Santa María del Tule we found plenty of opportunities to head into the ‘big smoke’, Oaxaca’s state capital—Oaxaca. Sometimes on our own for errands, sometimes with friends, but nearly always with a camera.
Oaxaca state is the home of many talented artisans. We were luckily enough to visit the weaving studio of two of these artisans. Rosario and Ernesto have mastered the art of weaving with wool. Since we were lucky enough to see all of this first hand. We thought we’d dedicate a blog post to sharing their process so that everyone back home can get a glimpse into the process of some talented Oaxacan artisans.
Calvin laughed. “Everyone says they are just stopping by for a day or two, but then they stay for several weeks.” “Well, we’d like to stay for three weeks, so does that mean you’ll never get rid of us?” No truer words have been spoken.
When your brakes fail, it might as well be on a winding mountain pass with sheer drop offs and hairpin bends. Even better if it is a pass that climbs from near to sea level up to almost 3000m, before dropping back down to below 1500m. (That’s pushing 10,000′ before returning to less than 5000′ for those of you who have not gleefully embraced the metric system.)
This is our archived blog from our Pan American road trip, if you want to see what we're up to now, visit our current blog.