Adventures with Javier

A lot of the time on this trip Emma is the chief Navigator. But sometimes Emma takes a nap and lets Javier, our Spanish-speaking, slightly scatterbrained GPS take charge of the navigational guidance.
A lot of the time on this trip Emma is the chief Navigator. But sometimes Emma takes a nap and lets Javier, our Spanish-speaking, slightly scatterbrained GPS take charge of the navigational guidance.
All trips have their low points. This journey is no exception. Fortunately this particular low point is measured in altitude, not in how many hours we spent plotting to poison each other.
Not being fans of crummy weather, the advantage of living in a house with wheels is that you can relocate to drier climates as it takes your fancy.
We ended up in Kennecott because a lady in Homer mentioned it to us once, she said we’d probably like Kennecott and McCarthy, but didn’t really elaborate too much. We weren’t really sure why we were going there: It was quite out-of-the-way It was down a dirt road, that as a former railway track had a bit of a reputation for shredding tyres A bit of reading informed us that we couldn’t actually drive all the way there and would have to park the car 5 miles away, just outside McCarthy and walk or catch a shuttle We started the […]
We can’t by any means claim to be experts on small town Alaska, we’ve only visited a few. But the ones we have visited have all been pretty unique and fun. Three of our favourites in the Alaska so far have been Hope, Whittier and Kennecott. Kennecott will be the subject of its very own blog post due to the large quantity of accompanying photographs that it will involve. But for now, allow us to familiarise you with the two very different towns of Hope and Whittier.
Photo Friday—Rarotonga Sheraton
This is our archived blog from our Pan American road trip, if you want to see what we're up to now, visit our current blog.