Twins from a parallel universe

In today’s installment, Emma rides a magical unicorn through a field of butterflies and some north going Kiwis meet some south going Kiwis for some classic Seussian confusion. More or less, anyway.
In today’s installment, Emma rides a magical unicorn through a field of butterflies and some north going Kiwis meet some south going Kiwis for some classic Seussian confusion. More or less, anyway.
The Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake started in 1942 when Private Carl K. Lindley placed a sign pointing to his hometown of Danville, Illinois. The idea caught on, the ‘forest’ has grown and when we added our little sign (12,681 km to Christchurch, New Zealand) they numbered close to 80,000.
Photo Friday—The classic Kiwi road trip
Photo Friday—Can’t see the lake for the forest
Photo Friday—Golden Bay
It was with a heavy heart that we boarded the plane to Wellington for a long weekend of Beer tasting and general gluttony. Who am I kidding? We were practically skipping with joy, well I actually was. Ben expressed his enthusiasm through the medium of not being asleep—despite the early morning flight. As we stepped out onto the tarmac at Wellington airport we said goodbye to the budget and hello to deliciousness!
Photo Friday—Mt Fyffe
Photo Friday—Fox Glacier
Photo Friday—Snowy Sunday afternoon
Photo Friday—Christchurch’s empty spaces
This is our archived blog from our Pan American road trip, if you want to see what we're up to now, visit our current blog.