…And we’re back

After a bit of behind the scenes witchcraft and tinkering, we present: Flightless Kiwis—the shiny new site.
After a bit of behind the scenes witchcraft and tinkering, we present: Flightless Kiwis—the shiny new site.
It’s no secret that we’ve been pretty slack with the blog posts of late. We’ve been busy, busy with many projects and of course, most of all—adventuring.
Photo Friday—Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco)
Photo Friday—Huiñay Huayna (Wiñay Wayna) again
Photo Friday—Huayna Potosí
Three years ago, we were sitting looking over Machu Picchu. Sick of shuffling around like we were in a busy shopping mall, we had opted for hiding from the morning crowds in the quarry. We sat down and scoffed our Snickers bars we had carried with us for just such an occasion.
Photo Friday—Dunes
Photo Friday—La Paz
Photo Friday—Paragliding in Lima
Photo Friday—Huiñay Huayna (Wiñay Wayna)
This is our archived blog from our Pan American road trip, if you want to see what we're up to now, visit our current blog.