Briefly back in Belize for a border run

Our previous trip to Belize was filled with islands, beaches and ancient ruins. Also some dead butterflies. What else could this magical country provide?
Our previous trip to Belize was filled with islands, beaches and ancient ruins. Also some dead butterflies. What else could this magical country provide?
Border crossings in Central America are famous for being chaotic and stressful. We had heard stories of ‘border helpers’ swarming vehicles on arrival, everyone trying to get their cut, bribes, fees, corrupt bureaucrats, confusing paperwork, people stuck camping on borders for days because of technicalities outside their control. It was with some trepidation that we rolled up to the border with Guatemala.
We’ve never been accused of driving the most direct route to get somewhere, so why would this be any different?
There was one time, way back in Belize when we were very nearly in Guatemala. Location: El Pilar ruins, Belize. Distance to Guatemala: 615.18 m (2018.32 ft) But ultimately we decided not to go, and returned to Mexico instead. We then of course faffed about for quite some time in Mexico. So long in fact that many of the friends we thought we would see again in Guatemala were, by this time, in Costa Rica, Panama, and even South America. Whoops. The rumour going around was that we were going to apply for Mexican citizenship. The thought did cross our minds. We love […]
Our final morning in the USA was not off to a great start. “So. Have you seen the passports?”
The following are accepted facts when booking transport in Cambodia: Two hours will mean four… or more. Descriptions like ‘VIP’ and ‘Air-con’ are unrelated to the actual trip you are booking (they are simply added to make the sign eye-catching) Booking a ‘seat’ does not guarantee and actual seat, contortionist manoeuvres may be required We were told the journey from Kampot to Saigon would be about 8 hours, we thought 12 was probably a more reasonable estimate. We thought wrong…
This is our archived blog from our Pan American road trip, if you want to see what we're up to now, visit our current blog.